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"!$$#$%#$#&#'%(&+'*.)+(,*+(*,02.0 Good luck on ARROW OF DEATH (Pt.1)For those who journey in Dreams..I seeNothingspecialsomethinghappensI foundSorryO.K.He sneers..It's not what he wants!Go wash your Mouth out!AARRGGHH!!I'm drowned!He is drugged!He gasps and says:Magical Arrow...Destroy XERDON..!He dies!Something is too heavy!I slide down!Serpent eats me!It turns!GIANTS wake and kill me!The BeggarDrops something!feeds Toadstools to SlaveSlave falls asleep!I tripped!Eagle rips me with his Talons!Eagle carries me off...CONGRATULATIONS!You can now make the ArrowSee ARROW OF DEATH (Pt.2)Cut his Chains!It says:Destroy XERDON the Evilwith an Arrow from the Sacred WillowThe Guardians of the WillowLust for Silver!The writing is too small!Find the Feathersof the Mighty EagleOrb glows brightly!GuardiansWon't let me!I'm not strong enough!Chase Medallion!I feel (to hook)dodges my thrust!I've no weapon!Through the Heart!sizzles and Vanishes!The Beggar Vanishes!Ferrymanholds out his handHe is waiting for something!He is Dead!It emits a deadly Beama thick Brotha picture of a Bargetakes Amulet..and me onto Barge!I've slid into the River!A Mist descends and transports me!Time passes..It's solid Silver!No help is allowed here!Then Vanishes!SerpentSlave is free!Broth is now drugged!I fall asleep!GIANTS find me and kill me!Slave helps me!ARNID CORRISTA - Master FletcherI sink in Bog!I'm wearing it!Fine Feathers!When all seems lost..WAIT!RUB something!Dead MessengerWillow Branch/BRAN/BedSuit of ArmourArmour (worn)Sword/SWOR/Purse/PURS/Coins/COIN/Amulet/AMUL/Glowing Orb/ORB/Secret PassageZARDRA the MagicianZARDRA (dead)The GOLDEN BATONCoat of ArmsPillow/PILL/HookHook (tied to Rope)BeggarLog/LOG/Glass Orb/ORB/Huge SerpentArrowheadFerrymanBargeCave Entrance Tree StumpsRopeRope with Hook on end Angry GIANTSSleeping GIANTSChained SlaveSlaveCauldronCookhouseToadstools/TOAD/BoulderLadderLog FlumeScroll/SCRO/Giant EagleEagles Feathers/FEAT/Medallion/MEDA/Dead DwarfSpectaclesSpectacles (worn)Charred DebrisTrapdoorPlaque on WallOrnate ChestOpen ChestAncient Book/BOOK/Sacred WillowGuardians of Sacred WillowDrugged SlaveMarshGIANT BuildingBeachHutDrugged GIANTSArmour on HookLedgeNote/NOTE/ "-.1122, ( @DL[  d'LJK\^OPU I_=VCBXZ436521, .NM/REYTWQ9078<>FHDGSACNORTHSOUTHEASTWESTUPDOWNEXITS: Things I can see: I'm in a I'ts too dark to see! The Light ran out! Light runs out in turns NSEWUD"" is a word I don't know..sorry! I don't know what a "" is I can't go in that direction O.K. ---WHAT NOW ? Eh? I'm not carrying it! I am carrying: I don't see it here That is beyond my power It's risky moving in the dark! Try a direction I fell and broke my neck! I'm carrying too much! I'm DEAD!! Want to play again ? Resume play on a saved game ? I've stored treasures I can't do that just now! I don't understand you Not a sausage! The game is over, thanks for playing WELL DONE! Mission completed! Do you want colour (Y or N) ? ERROR ON TAPE WRITE! ERROR ON TAPE READ - REWIND TAPE HH ԍhh@H!ʭh`@<"@@  EL